Petroglyphs in the Petriverse

Pierre Jardin coined the term PETRIVERSE:  Noun. 1) A world composed of rocks; e.g., a rock garden.  2) Words composed of rocks; i.e., verse DSCF5699written in stone.

This installation is a sign telling passersby the names of garden and gardener; “blog” invites interested parties to find their way to this very page.  The concentric circle patterns on the sitting stones evoke planetary orbits in solar systems; for Pierre, they appear as petroglyphs produced by the wash of waves.

Since “Petriverse” means rock-world and rock-writing, it is fitting that in the Petriverse the line between natural- and human-drawn lines is fine.  And that is just fine by Pierre, who is trying to give voice to rocks and turn words to stone.